
TAILOR MADE - Diseña tu viaje

Con más de 17 años de trayectoria y conocimiento profundo de la región, cada viaje es cuidadosamente diseñado: nos enfocamos en pensar experiencias personalizadas combinando la aventura extrema, trekking y travesías 4x4, con la naturaleza, la fotografía, la gastronomía y el vino, brindando servicios de alta calidad, priorizando la seguridad y el confort de los clientes, generando una experiencia única y memorable.


Trekking & Expediciones de Alta Montaña

Compartiendo una pasión por la montaña y la naturaleza, diseñamos y operamos expediciones de montaña y trekking de distinta duración especializadas en los Andes del Norte Argentino, combinando senderos antiguos, ruinas, y pueblos escondidos, con montañas multicolores, quebradas y valles fascinantes; incorporando servicios exclusivos y el contacto con la comunidad local, generando una experiencia inolvidable. Nuestros guías experimentados están capacitados para estar presentes en todos los detalles, brindando a nuestros clientes la seguridad y el respaldo que demanda cada expedición.

Travesias en 4x4

Organizamos programas de distinta duración de viajes off road en camionetas 4×4 por el noroeste argentino, descubriendo zonas remotas y fascinantes, atravesando la Puna, salares, valles y quebradas, combinados con guías especializados enfocados en todos los detalles, priorizando siempre la seguridad en cada travesía. Consultá por nuestros programas previamente organizados, personalizalo según tus gustos o combinalos como quieras!



Karin Hutter

In October of 2022 our expedition began with our K&P mountain guide Thomas Schiller, and the mountain guides of Argentina Trails, Pancho and Ulises as well as the cook Dardo. This trip was one of the most impressive trips for me and everything was well organized. Although the program had to be changed a few times, we were allowed to experience a highlight every day. The carefully planned acclimatization treks were characterized by a view that arouses feelings for which I find no superlatives. In addition, we drove through breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, deserts, remote small villages, salt lakes, red hills, spectacular mountain passes, ghost towns and even through a gorge, where we crossed a river 79 times. The cold, clear tent nights were rewarded by an unforgettably beautiful starry sky. The great photos revive the impressions again and again in everyday life. A thank you and a bravo to Thomas, Pancho, Ulises and Dardo, as well as the whole team.

Llullaillaco Expedition 2022

Leonardo Guzman

Mi experiencia viajando con Argentina Trails me permitió conocer los lugares más increíbles de nuestra cordillera visitando lugares extremos con paisajes que no se encuentran en ningún otro lugar del mundo. ¡A esto le agregaría el profesionalismo y la responsabilidad de todo el equipo que integran en cada expedición! Solamente me queda agregar la gran calidad humana que sentimos con el equipo, que hace que cada salida sea divertida e inolvidable. Por todo esto y mucho más gracias a todos los integran ARGENTINA TRAILS.


Leonardo Cipolla

Argentina Trails es una empresa de calidad y su trabajo super profesional, te hacen vivir momentos espectaculares en la montaña ya que están en cada detalle. Se destaca la rica comida que ofrecen y el campamento en todas las expediciones


Luca Fritz

In March 2022, a high school friend and I were exploring the Puna region with Pancho for almost two weeks. It was hands down one of the best trips we have ever made. The landscape is simply sensational and cannot be compared to any other place on Earth we have been to. It was truly a humbling experience to witness, standing before never-ending views with all the colors on the spectrum in front of you. What is more, Pancho’s deep knowledge of the place and its origins complement the visual impressions, as he expertly explained the origin, history and properties of every stone. It was really impressive to stand on an ancient lava field in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by snowy mountains and green hills alike. On top, we also got to experience remote towns and their inhabitants, which is definitely a broadening experience in itself. Above all, Pancho was not only an expert guide, but also became a good friend, always having a good story or joke in mind to tell. We enjoyed every minute to the fullest and are sure to be back again


Peter and Jutta Habeler

Dear Pancho, certainly you can count on me and also Jutta: We did have great fun and pleasure with your organization, great treatment on all our visits to the beautiful mountains of Argentina. Furthermore, Jutta and I often talk about the Puna Atacama. We both agree, it is the most beautiful and interesting place in the world. Hopefully we can return sooner or later to that place and needless to say, only with you and your team we will be under way. Take good care, dear Pancho and we hope to see you soon again

Karl Stoss

I have known Francisco (Pancho) Siciliano and his company Argentina Trails for many years. Pancho is for me one of the most experienced guides I have ever met. I got the chance to find mysterious, hidden places in the province of Salta. So amazing and beautiful, I have never seen before. It was not just the professionalism, it was even more the great hospitality and the huge knowledge about the country and the people. Pancho is for sure an essential reason to come back to Salta. Thank you for showing me the most beautiful spots in Argentina

President of the Austrian Olympic Committee

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